Ka Nui Salon has been involved in the Redmond, Oregon Downtown Association and Chamber of Commerce for many years. We happily and proudly support other downtown businesses and the annual events that bring residents and visitors to our growing business district.
Ka Nui Salon participates in and supports these Annual Redmond Events and charities. Click on the Pineapple to learn more about each event.
Sparrow Club Chair-ities Event
Weekly Chamber Coffee Clatters
2016 Chair-ities Chair

2015 Gingerbread House

2015 Spring Fling – Surfin’ USA

The Official Ka Nui Ribbon Cutting

2016 Relay for Life

2015 Coffee Clatter

2015 Ka Nui Street Rods

2020 Ka Nui Paint Party

2015 Ka Nui Dancers

2015 Ka Nui Dancers

2015 Scarecrow Contest

2014 Scarecrow Contest

2015 Santa Warm Clothes Drive

Ka Nui Salon proudly supports the nationwide Relay For Life fundraiser. At the Redmond, Oregon event, our community will unite to honor cancer survivors, memorialize those who have passed, raise funds and raise awareness to help in the fight against cancer.
As of 2016, there are nearly 14 million cancer survivors that have benefited from cancer research, trials and treatments. Proceeds from Relay For Life events benefit the American Cancer Society.
Our Ka Nui Relay For Life team will have a base camp at Obsidian Middle School and camp out overnight. Our team will take turns walking or running around the track and have at least one team member on the track at all times.
For 24 hours, Ka Nui Salon team members, clients, family and friends will walk many miles in the Relay For Life. Join us to be part of this nationwide event in the fight for a cure. Thank you for your support.
Trick or Treat on Main Street
Witches. Goblins., Super Heroes. Action Heroes. Dragons., Zombies. Ladybugs. Ghosts..
Every year near Halloween, Downtown Redmond Oregon hosts Main Street Trick or Treat. Our sidewalk is a constant parade of kids and adults dressed as their favorite characters.
Ka Nui Salon handed out treats to almost 2,000 trick or treaters last year. We support the Downtown Redmond Merchants Association and the Redmond Chamber of Commerce to bring this fun, family-friendly event downtown.
On every Halloween, Be Safe! Be Silly! Be Scary! Be The Greatest!
Scarecrow Contest
The Downtown Business Owner & Operators Association ushers in Autumn with the Scarecrow Contest. All the scarecrows are displayed in front of local businesses so residents and visitors can buy tickets and vote for their favorites.
Proceeds from ticket sales benefit individual non-profits. In the past, our scarecrow supported the Redmond Girl Scout Troop. Ka Nui Salon participates every year because it’s fun and helps a worthy cause.
Gingerbread Contest
The Downtown Businesses get to show their creativity during the holiday season during the Gingerbread Contest. All the decorations have to be edible and represent our business or industry. In 2015, we made a pineapple. There was a lot of frosting. It was AWESOME!!!
(Excerpted from the Wigs For Kids Mission Statement at
The various causes of hair loss in children don’t result in just physical suffering. The change in their appearance can drastically undermine their self-image and sabotage their self-esteem. To help heal the pain of these struggles, Certified Cosmetic Therapist Jeffrey Paul founded Wigs for Kids, a non profit hair donation organization that has been serving children suffering from hair loss since 1981.
Wigs for Kids is a cooperative effort among Certified Cosmetic Therapists throughout North America who share a common goal. “Children shouldn’t have to worry about how they look, especially when they’re in the middle of a health crisis,” says Jeffrey Paul. “We want to give these kids the opportunity to feel good about themselves again.”
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Central Oregon’s hosts the Annual Chair-ity for Children fundraiser to benefit the Sparrow Club.
Previously unloved chairs receive a makeover from local artists and are showcased at the Chair-ity Artists Reception. Chairs are then assigned to and displayed in downtown Redmond businesses during April.
Sparrow Clubs is proof that you’re never too young to make a difference!
As the nation’s only youth-based charity of its kind, Sparrow Clubs not only provides financial and emotional support for critically ill children and their families, but also empowers kids to help kids through charitable service to their communities.
Thanks to sponsorship funding, the Sparrow family, school and community benefit in immeasurable ways.
Charm Stroll
Kids and adults have so much fun on the Charm Stroll. Everyone heads downtown, picks up their Charm Stroll passport then visits participating businesses to collect charms
At the end of the Charm Stroll, one of our local businesses, Joyco Sales, assembles all of the collected charms on a charm bracelet. It’s a great way for donate during the holiday season while supporting the local Girl Scout troop. AND, businesses get a chance to meet new customers!
Santa Warm Clothes Drive
Santa may live in the North Pole but he visits Ka Nui Salon! When the weather outside is frightful, we are warm and cozy hosting Santa in the Salon! Bring the littles in to have their photo taken with Santa!
This is also our opportunity to help those in our community that need warm clothing or blankets. Bring a new or clean, gently used article of warm clothing, such as coat, mittens, gloves, scarves, shawls or blankets to receive your photo with Santa!